Services for individualss • Running assessment

Running assessment

Running is a discipline with many challenges. We can perform a comprehensive analysis of your posture, flexibility, muscle strength, technique, running biomechanics and factors that may influence the incidence of injury or affect your progress. This service includes recommendations on a training plan, choice of shoes and exercises to perform in order to minimize the risk of injury and to optimize your performance.


A service with great added value!

  • Get personalized advice from running professionals
  • Learn progressively and effectively
  • Avoid bad habits, injuries and discomforts
  • Build your stamina
  • Improve your distance and speed performance
  • Lasting 60 minutes, this session includes:
    • Complete musculoskeletal assessment
    • Running assessment on a treadmill
    • Explanation of the biomechanical factors related to your issue
    • Advice and recommendations for returning to running or improving your performance

Our team

Contact this department at 450 688-0445, ext. 4

Simon Théroux-Samuel, Physiotherapist
Jean-Philippe Lajoie, Kinesiologist

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Make an appointment. We’d love to take care of you!